View Full Version : Priming Question....

03-19-2003, 13:47
If i only change the new prefilter and do not lose fuel in the factory filter, how will the prime pump work. I am thinking that it will pump fuel out of the bleeder a lot before it gets the prefilter filled. Am i wrong or has somebody done this yet...

03-19-2003, 15:15

You are correct. When I had mine on
the frame, I put pressure in the fuel tank
to move the diesel fuel into the frame
mounted filter, out the top of my bleeder
petcock... as seen in my photos.

As I outlined in a the "other" string..... I
used a bicycle pump to control the amount
of pressure going into my fuel tank. That
worked like a charm. With the clear fuel bowl,
you can see the beautiful golden fuel filling
the thing. It really brought tears to my eyes to
see that my bike pump worked :D :D

Me thinks if you use the OEM primer.... you'll dump
alot of diesel on your driveway before you
displace the air in the frame mounted filter.

The other option for you is to pre fill
your filter with diesel and let the OEM filter
do it's job. :eek: Yikes...... not based on
what George says!

This might be another consideration in your
decision to go either pre or post OEM filter :rolleyes:

[ 03-19-2003: Message edited by: 56Nomad ]</p>