View Full Version : Noisy Engine

12-29-2004, 12:10
It started today. Engine has a loud power stroke/pilot injection off rattle. After cruising at 2k RPM's on level 4 Juice. Noise continues down to 1300 RPM's. I can back the box to 0 and decelerate (below 1300RPM's) and the noise goes away. Stays away if I'm on 0, but comes back on level 4, at highway speeds. Didn't check the other settings.

Should this have left a code for the dealer to find??

Going to remove the Juice and take into the dealer, would like to have some idea beforehand what could be wrong.

Truck is an '02 LB7 w/ 47k miles and Juice w/ Attitude.

Thanks, Kurt

12-29-2004, 12:20
sounds like a bad injector to me but also level four is a little much for stock duramax

12-29-2004, 12:44
I would try it with the Juice Attitude completely removed from the truck. If the problem goes away, then it is Juice related and talk with Edge. If noise is still there, take it to the dealer.

01-12-2005, 19:16
I get the same loud clatter on level 3 and again I can get it to go away if I back off to level 0 and decelerate to below 1300rpm.
Engine acts normal on level 0 and w/ Juice removed. No symptoms of bad injectors at all.
Edge wants me to send truck to dealer first, and pay the $100 deductable??

I think I'm gonna send the Juice back.

Any other experiences or suggestions??

Thanks, Kurt

01-12-2005, 19:21
as described I don't think it is a mechanical problem. sounds more like a fuel knock issue to me. I'd cruise @ a lower setting.

01-12-2005, 19:33
If you have problems...take off the box..

Thats a sure fire way to see if its the problem.

01-12-2005, 19:34
What would cause the fuel knock issue??? Timing, cetaine level or ...????

Why is it only doing it after cruising at highway speeds for about an hour???

It won't act up on level 0 or w/ box removed :confused:

01-12-2005, 19:48
fuel knock is caused by either a timing or overfuel condition. after an hour of cruising the amount of return fuel making to your tank has probably created a high fuel temp condition due to the amount of return fuel your bound to be making at level 4. which could change the viscosity of your fuel and make your timing early resulting in a "fuel knock"

01-12-2005, 20:15
Thanks madmatt.

Why would this be happening now??? I've been running the box for 6+ months and towing on level 2 a lot w/out a problem.

BTW the level 3 and 4 runs were no loads.

01-12-2005, 20:23
it may be a combination of reasons and conditions. maybe when pulling your @ a higher rpm, making more boost, needing more fuel and returning less to the tank.....maybe the air conditions are different now then before and causing it some how? can't really explain why it just started it now but I hope I gave you a clue as to maybe whats going on and why.

01-12-2005, 20:30
Yes, this does help, thanks :cool:

Haven't heard of anyone else having this problem w/ the Juice. Maybe I'll send it back and see what they have to say.

Will the knock damage an engine??? Drove for several miles til I could safely slow down and get it to go away :rolleyes:

01-13-2005, 15:51
no damage should have been done in such a short amount of time, but if ignored it has the same affect as detonation does on a gas engine.