View Full Version : New fuel analysis on Stanadyne...

12-14-2002, 14:34
I sent another fuel sample to George for analysis. It appears I might have taken the sample wrong. I have also contacted Stanadyne and a team of engineers is going to help work any problem there might be. I said it before and I say it again I really like the Stanadyne Co. I just hope the filter works out for us. I feel they will make it right no matter what it takes. We should have the new results by next Thursday or Friday. I also should hear from Stanadyne by that time. What I won't do is put out any information that doesn't have data to back it up. I don't want to steer any of The Diesel Page guys wrong. Please be patient, you know this is "National Goof Off Month".

12-14-2002, 16:56
Thanks for keeping us informed.I eagerly await the results of your test and its much appreciated.

Stage 1
12-14-2002, 21:16
Srubrn or George,

What company are you using to ship your fuel samples for analysis? Tried UPS and they said no unless I am a regestered hazardous materials shipper!

12-15-2002, 00:12
Stage 1,

Don't tell them what your shipping. I put filters.

george morrison
12-15-2002, 09:56
Unfortunately you got an 'unknowledgeable' UPS person. Diesel fuel is not hazardous, is not listed as hazardous under UPS guidelines. It is better to say nothing with some of those folks rather than go through the huge hassle. I have submitted the samples to UPS hazardous control folks and they confirm that their agents should not be questioning the diesel fuel as it is not listed as hazardous. Just some overzealous UPS clerks will NOT take the time to call their own hazardous control section to confirm..
How rediculous it is relates to the fact that if diesel fuel WAS hazardous, their own UPS trucks would not be getting too far along the road if they were not allowed to carry *any* diesel fuel... :)
I literally got laughs/shaking heads from the UPS hazardous folks when I walked in with the sample and shared that several people trying to ship them via UPS had been denied..
Moreover, you can ship the fuel sample with the knowledge that it is totally within UPS guidelines and not hazardous..
George Morrison, STLE CLS

12-15-2002, 10:54
I gave my last oil sample to the care and custody of the USPO and the old Clinton policy was in full force there....."they didn't ask and I didn't tell! LOL

So I assume same would apply to fuel sample, BUT and it's a big butt, that was before 9/11 and who knows what kind of sniffers they have in place now.

12-15-2002, 19:43
I've mailed my last two oil samples to AVlube by U.S. Mail. Been questioned both times, "hazardous or flammable?" "It's engine oil for analysis, Ma'am." "Then it's *liquid*?" "Yes, Ma'am, but it's double bottled and in a ziplock bag." (I put the sample bottle in a ziplock before putting it in the plastic shipping "jar" both as a liquid barrier and to keep it from rattling around in the jar.) Not a problem.

12-21-2002, 17:24
srubrn, what's the latest on the Stanadyne Fuel tests?

12-21-2002, 21:20
The results are on hold til after the first of the year. Actually I don't have the whole scoop for everybody yet and I don't want to put out any info til I have everything. Please be patient! I still am using the Stanadyne filter with no problems and I am working directly with Stanadyne engineers for our application. They are great. These things just take time. I am the impatient type, so I understand.

Merry Christmas everybody!!!

12-24-2002, 12:26
Well, I got my prototype mount (thanks Johnny) but had already sent the filter out so Johnny could test fit it, so i am filter-less until Friday the way it looks. I do have an element that will fit the mount, but I'm not sure if I can get it to fit as it is about 2" longer than the one I intended to use...

I was really hoping to get it on for our X-mas trip, so I guess I'll have to try the bigger filter and see if it fits...

12-31-2002, 14:24
Any news on the sample?

12-31-2002, 17:36

No news yets. Stanadyne shut down for 10 days. They will back open next week and I hope to have something real soon. I haven't give up, so hold on, it is coming I promise.

01-09-2003, 20:46
Just trying to keep this near the top of the list. I had to go back 3 pages to find the topic.

01-09-2003, 23:06
I am waiting on a new filter and two more fuel samples to be taken after I install the new filter. I promise I am still on this.