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View Full Version : Help identifing source of noise

12-16-2002, 16:01
Last 2 days I have noticed a new high pitched noise. Occurs at low speed, braking or turning. Lasts about 5-10 secs, sort of fades out. If I'm stopped and let off the brake and begin to roll foward at idle, or slow to a stop from a low speed, I hear it. If I turn sharply at a low speed I hear it. No effects on braking or steering performance noticed. I checked the power steering fluid level with the engine hot and it was low. I haven't seem any evidence of a leak in the driveway. I have not had a chance to inpect the engine bay for a leak either. Plan to check the cold level this evening, if its low I will top it off.

Am I barking up the right tree? Doesn't sound like what I've heard in other vehicles with PS problems before. Even if replacing the fluid solves the problem, it going to the dealer to see why its low. Is this what the folks with hydroboost problems noticed? I definitely hear it, so I know its not a loose nut between the steering wheel and the seat :D

12-16-2002, 16:51

One reason and prolly the reason it's low is the failure on your dealers part as part of delivery to top off and check all fluids.....I've seen it before.....If no leaks are present.....