View Full Version : Are our trucks spying on us?

01-01-2005, 14:31
Interesting article. So I have to ask if our Duramax's are spying on us.

news article (http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/1227/p13s01-wmgn.html)

01-01-2005, 16:55
AS of now i think most of these devices are stand-a-lone units. I was thinking about removing mine, but I'm pretty good driver. I figure if anything it could help me out. I think it's only a matter of time before they are more widely known about and people start removing them....at which point it's function will be integrated into the PCM.

01-01-2005, 21:59
Those units have been around for years. If you take it out, your airbags turn into Hefty sacks. It is only recording information around deployment, not all the time.