That's great! Please post the actual part number and source, as a permanent record. I'm sure you aren't the only one with this combination, and everything
DmaxMaverick Today, 07:23I am happy to say, that series of part numbers worked, though it did take a bit of searching, I got the correct slave cyl from a opel supplier in europe,
edognight Today, 06:38IIRC 6.5 requires 100 rpm cranking for the computer to tell the injection system its happy and let it have fuel. It can sound like its cranking fast enough
a5150nut Yesterday, 10:43You need two good known battery's
If one is bad you will get a slow crank
They should be matched and tested to make sure they are good health
94 6.5L Blazer, what's it worth?
I have had similar issues with batteries and diesels...
Yukon6.2 Today, 10:00Had a new set of batteries in my tow truck, one went bad after about 3 months and it would