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Free community forum for The Diesel Page. General discussion forum for topics not necessarily focused on diesels. Free access to anyone and everyone registered and logged in. Did I mention "FREE"?
1992-00 6.5L Turbo Diesel - Welcome to the Internet's first discussion forum for the 6.5L diesel engine. Tips on performance, upgrades, cooling, fuel economy, troubleshooting and more.
1982-93 6.2L Diesel - Welcome to the Internet's first discussion forum for the 6.2L engine.
Tech forum containing the best technical information about these engines. Please post in the related 6.2L & 6.5L forums. We'll transfer the best topic threads to this forum.
Discussion Forum for the 1982-2000 GM Pickup Trucks and SUVs, and their Transmissions & Drivetrains, cab, chassis, electrical systems and a lot more.
6.2/6.5 and Duramax towing performance? Towing accessories? Truck/trailer setup? Compare RV trailers? Trailer maintenance? Great destinations & vacations? Anything towing or trailer related.
Non-Commercial Member diesel related classified ads
Welcome to the Internet's first Duramax 6600 diesel discussion forum for the LB7, LLY, LBZ, LMM, LML, LGH & L5P RPO code engines. Tips on performance, fuel economy, troubleshooting and more.
Discussion Forum for the 2001 & newer 2500HD/3500 Trucks, Transmissions & Drivetrain
What's it take to make big power? Tips on Duramax diesel performance products, improving fuel economy, power upgrades, exhaust systems, and programming. From a little to a lot, find out what it takes. Post a question or offer your advice.
Engine, Truck & Drivetrain Accessories
Discussion Forum for the 2016+ Colorado & Canyon pickup with the 2.8L Duramax Diesel engine.
Discussion Forum for the 2014+ Chevy Cruze Diesel passenger car.
General discussion topics not related to the GM light-truck diesels.
Convert gas to diesel, or swap to a 6.2/6.5/Duramax/Cummins/Navistar/Isuzu/Perkins/Detroit/or ... diesel engine. Go here to see completed projects, works in progress, share your conversion or ask the experts.
Discuss and learn about Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel, Bio-Diesel, Straight Vegetable Oil, Waste Vegetable Oil, Fuel Additives, as well as Motor Oil, ATF, lubes, coolant and other fluids used in your diesel pickup.
Industry News relating to diesel light-trucks.
Learn more about GM's new medium-duty trucks and diesel engines.
2500HD/3500 gas 6.0L & 8.1L discussion forum.
Announce your diesel event or rally where all GM, Ford & Dodge diesel light trucks are invited.
Save thousands on head gasket replacement, injector replacement, water pump replacement and more...
Welcome to our newest member, jonesdyl