I was wondering what you guys are seeing for fuel mileage with the new LBZ. I'm thinking about buying one.
Any problems with them?
I was wondering what you guys are seeing for fuel mileage with the new LBZ. I'm thinking about buying one.
Any problems with them?
2006 Chevy 2500 HD Ext. Cab SB, LLY w/ Alli 6 speed
I am lifted with 35's on and I am getting 13.5 to 15.5 around town with some mixed driving, on winter blend. I only have about 4000 miles on this truck. It is getting a little better as time goes on.
2001 x cab dark gray sold @50000 NO PROBLEMS<br />2003 D/A CC Marine Mettalic Blue sold @68000 NO PROBLEMS<br />2006 Stealth Gray slt cc LBZ 6inch pro comp lift 315 BFG muds
My truck is showroom floor stock. I have 1200 miles now. I am seeing 17.5 city, about 20 highway. Haven't gone on a trip yet to get a good look at highway milage. Like others say, it will get a little better once she brakes in.
David Proske #418
'03 GMC 2500HD D/A *sold* :-(
'94 K2500HD W/GV OD
Just got back from a dirt biking trip. pulling a 6 x 12 enclosed with 4 bikes, gear, tool chest, etc. probably around 3000 pounds. Got an average of 12.2 going 82 mph. This is adjusted for odometer error. Not as good as I had hoped but we were going fast in a lifted pickup. The other truck was an lb7 with the almost identical load, he got just over 13 but he was going around 85 to 86 mph.
2001 x cab dark gray sold @50000 NO PROBLEMS<br />2003 D/A CC Marine Mettalic Blue sold @68000 NO PROBLEMS<br />2006 Stealth Gray slt cc LBZ 6inch pro comp lift 315 BFG muds
My LBZ mpgs are slowly improving. With around 1400 miles on it, I got 17.92 hand calc'ed on a 300+ mile trip into Michigan last Friday running 72-77 mph. No problems whatsoever with mine so far & I like it better than my old LB7.
'06 GMC LBZ/A CC/SB 4x4
5000 mile on it now ... average is just 16.6 mpg on winter blend fuel and its a crew cab 4x4 with a cap , 70 % high way driveing and speeds around 80 mph. It seams like its getting about 1 mpg better then my lly. I will say it has no problem running at 80 where the lly seamed to streach a bit to get to 80. The 2006 allison is the best tuned trans since they started using them in 2001!
93 c-2500 6.5td,96 6.5td x cab,01 GMC lb7 Xcab ,2004 lly crew cab ,2006 lbz crew cab,honda CBR1100xx,2003 polaris prox 700 , 2001 31' holiday rambler 10K lbs house on wheels!
I have 890 Miles so far and am geting 18.8 mpg, better than my 02 Duramax at the same miles, and my 02 at 58000mi was getting 20 to 21 mpg with a best of 22.6 mpg at 65mph so I hope my 06 will do as good or better!!
2006 Chevy 2500HD LT-3 4X4 LBZ CC LB
2003 Suburban LT 1500 4X4 (Wife)
2002 Chevy 2500HD LS 4x4 LB7 CC LB K65
2001 Chevy 2500HD LS 4X4 LB7 CC LB (sold)
1956 400 Farmall
1950 M Farmall,
1950 Chevy 2-Ton farm Truck. Member # 6059
filled up yesterday after first tank after dealer, 636miles total, tank was topoff, ran 377miles @ 18.17gals=20.7mpg, truck said i used 20.7gals total=18.2.
I run 56 miles, mostly hwy miles to and from work @70mph about 15 city to get out @ 35mph. A lot better them my 04 cc 4x HD 6.0
06 2500HD LBZ 4x4 crew White
94 1500 suburban 4x4 teal green
05 Timberlodge 30SKY
I have less than 700 miles on my Sierra crew LB SLT and I'm getting 14.8 around town according to the computer. I gassed up, reset my fuel meters and was on the highway for about 15 miles and the AVG meter read 16.8. I'm expecting great things form this truck and good milage is just the beginning.
We just traded our 02 in for an 06 D/A C/C 4X4 Dually. At first the computer said we were getting 9.4. But then we topped it off and I drove about 250 miles. I topped off again and did the math. I was getting 15.9, this was in town stop and go. The computer was saying 14.8. I think it is a little under the real milage. I was getting about 15.5 to 16 running around,and driving hard also in our 02 GMC. I think the new one will do a little better once it gets broke in.
Picked up the truck in Joplin, Missouri 404 mile trip home. Accelerated/decelerated probably 200 times during the trip, never on cruise, continuously loading and coasting the engine. Averaged 72 mph, DIC said 16.1mpg, hand calculated 17.65mpg. I couldn't be happier at this point!
I picked up my new LBZ on 7-5-06. It is a GMC CC SB and is bone stock including stock tires. Here is my mileage so far. Some of these fillups are towing a 4,500 lb boat and trailer, some with a 900 lb empty boat trailer and some with no trailer. The 19.5 mpg was with no trailer and 75 mph over 250 miles. The rest is a mixture of highway at 75 mph and 2.5 miles a day to work each way (not helping at all).
Total truck miles MPG
244 18.5 no trailer
478 15.0 4,500 boat
806 15.5 4,500 boat
1,185 19.5 no trailer
1,512 17.5 no trailer
1,783 15.6 no trailer 6,500 boat for 10 miles
2,066 17.8 empty boat trailer
2,306 16.8 empty boat trailer
I have to say the 16.8 was partially due to entering the interstate, with the empty trailer, and a "youngster" in a souped up Honda Accord (you know the one with the big oversized muffler that sounds mean!!!!) attempted to pass me while I was still in the acceleration lane. I just couldn't stand it and when he got up beside me, making a lot of exhaust noise, I punched it and left him with a silly grin on his face. By the time I was at 75 mph I just punched cruise and he never ever came up on me for the rest of my trip until I got off of the highway. This LBZ is a big step up from my '98 6.5. Smiling..............Ed
'06 Sierra LBZ 4x4 Crew SB, Titan 52 gallon fuel tank, TTT/Schefenacker Mirrors
'98 Suburban, 245,000 - sold 7-4-06
I just turned 2000 miles and got 18 mpg on the last tank. No highway but some 50mph stretches. I put in Amsoil at 1600 engine and rear. Before that I was in the 16 - 17 range. Don't know if it's the oil or the truck breaking in but I'm not complaining.
I have noticed the DIC is about 1 MPG under too. Getting about 15.8 on the first tank.
Makes me wonder how far off the speedo is to start?
Just got the Diablo and did the 65 HP tune with corrected tire dia of 33 inches. On the freeway it said I was going 40when it was really about 65. Then got a brake warning for gosh sakes!!
But I could really feel the diff
Going to reset tonite using tire size vs dia and see if it takes and the code goes away.
I just got home after a 500 mile weekend trip. The first half of the trip was all highway at 75 mph, removed a 7000 lb boat from the water and towed it 2 miles to a gas station for fuel, then two miles back to the launch. The rest of the trip was at 70 mph home. averaged 19.0 mpg for the entire trip. Total miles on my 06 LBZ right now is 3,300. Ed
No towing except for the 4 miles with the boat.
'06 Sierra LBZ 4x4 Crew SB, Titan 52 gallon fuel tank, TTT/Schefenacker Mirrors
'98 Suburban, 245,000 - sold 7-4-06
Filled up and did a short empty non-towing " semi Highway trip" Some stop and go on a four lane Highway a few lights toward the end. About 135 miles round trip, the computer said we were getting 19.4 at one point. It mostly was saying average of 17.4 while we were at 55 to 65 mph. It seems to be getting better and we only have 1300 miles on it so far.I did an oil and filter change at 1,000 miles Rotella 15w40. I will go with synthetic Rotella after a few more oil changes. I'll post again after I do the math on the last trip. I think maybe about a 16 mpg overall so far best guess.
Just returned from my first 1000 mile trip. 1500 miles on the engine now. Ran the AC the entire way, truck is stock. DIC read 11.2 MPG towing my loaded trailer ~9000lbs. Basically southern CA over the grapevine to monterey and back, AVG speed 55 to 60mph.
The MPG did drop a little when I smacked a cow returning over the grapevine!!Truck didn't get a scratch but the trailer has some damage. Cow didn't fare too well, but I was the second person to hit him... Shocks bottomed out but I don't "think" anything was damaged we hit hard, I'm going to the dealer this week to double check everything...
I'm starting to think that you need to get 25k+ miles on a Duramax to get consistantly good fuel economy (my '04 LB7 was the same). I was stuck in that 18.5 to 19.2 range for a long time (this is on long Interstate drives), but this past week, I've been getting 20+ mpg with ~26k on my LBZ. Monday I got 20.42 mpg & today I got 20.07, both 300+ mile trips at 70+ mph, hand calculated & using my GPS to track total miles.
Not that I wasn't impressed before, but I'm REALLY starting to like this truck.
'06 GMC LBZ/A CC/SB 4x4
Just did the math after our little trip, we had some stop and go Ranch errand type stuff and a little idle time. The average was 15.9 mpg. Still only 1400 miles on truck. We are happy so far.
2500 HD 4WD.. extended cab. allison. all power . getting 14.2 on hwy. 9000 miles. Just bought truck. What's wrong with mine? No lead foot here.
1991 Chevy Blazer 6.2L \"c\" 230K miles. 700R4. (SUNDIAL SLOW)
1998 Chevy K2500 6.5L 180K miles. 5 speed (SOLD)
2006 Chevy K2500 6.6L DURAMAX w/ Allison 105K miles