I have read it time and time again here on the forums - how dirty fuel and clogged filters cause the majority of the problems with these trucks.
I had my fuel tank swapped out about 3 months ago and the folks who did the work for me put my old fuel back in the tank!!!
Suffice it to say - I have had to change a filter or two since then. I know, I know, drain all of the fuel and put fresh in. That just makes too much sense.
Anyway - to my topic. Recently had the hard start problem exhibiting itself again. Ususally a swap of the filter takes care of this. I swapped one in, no fix.
Added more fuel and swapped another filter. Still the same problem.
I called the local Diesel shop - planning on spending some money I didn't have but before I did that, I bought *another* filter (two actually - it always pays to have a spare) and decided this time I would do it right.
I pulled the old filter - drained the bowl (I usually am doing this on the roadside or in a parking lot and so I don't have the time or tools to drain the bowl) and looked in the bottom of the bowl. I think I found the problem. Some of that crud that the filter is supposed to catch was on the bottom of the filter bowl - and I suspect that was getting into my new filter(s) and clogging them.
Its awkward getting in there, but I used some paper towels (probably not the best choice) and a screwdriver for the reach and cleaned the majority off the bottom of the bowl. Swapped in a new filter, bled the line hit the key and whamo - started like it was brand new.
I say all this to once again reiterate the need to follow *all* of the steps when changing filters. Shortcutting nearly cost me a trip out to Shiver Diesel (in Tallahassee FL, excellent place if you ever need repair) for something I can very easily do myself.
Of course the secondary truth is the fact that this website and the forums saved me yet another 10 year's worth of dues.
Thanks again guys and good luck.