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Thread: Forum Rules

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2000

    Arrow Forum Rules

    Welcome aboard!

    You must register if you wish to post new topics, reply to messages, and/or access all forums and features here in’s bulletin-board. Registration is free, but you must have a valid and correctly entered email address to complete the registration process.

    While we tend to focus on the GM diesels, The Diesel Page Forums Bulletin Board is made available for the benefit of all diesel owners, and we hope you’ll become an active and contributing member of this community. Every administrator and moderator you bump into here is a true and knowledgeable diesel enthusiast, and who choose to participate because they enjoy what they do. Every participating member helps in some way to make this bulletin board what it is, so we encourage you to become involved.

    The Diesel Page Forums Bulletin Board is your community forum.

    * As the longest lived GM diesel forum on the Internet, we have a lot to offer and a lot for you to do here. Aside from posted messages, we also offer a Photo Album that allows you to upload and share images of your truck or provide images that help explain a process. We can also host videos upon request.

    * Participate... Bulletin boards need participation from members to keep the forums dynamic and interesting. If you’ve been helped, give back to the board. You’ll enjoy the interaction and the new people will appreciate your help.

    * Thank those who help you. A thank you is the only reward for a job well done – in a free community bulletin board.

    * You may not agree with everything you read in these forums. We have some of the most experienced GM diesel owners participating here who donate their valuable time to help others, but you may, on rare occasion, disagree with their opinions or posted messages. That’s OK. Post what you think, but please remember that our primary goal here is to help people.

    * If a posted message or image offends you or if you feel it violates these community rules or someone’s copyright, notify a board administrator or moderator. We’ll review the material and make a determination.

    * Don’t blame the board administrators or moderators for what others post. Everyone who posts in this board is responsible for what they themselves post. The board administrators and moderators can only intervene after they have been made aware of a problem. Don't assume a moderator or administrator has read every posted message - it's not possible.

    * Contact the board administrators if you have a question about board policy, need help interpreting these forum rules or need help resolving a community problem. Basing your thoughts or actions on opinions or hearsay will result in a wrong interpretation. Operation of this bulletin board is based on fairness and ethics. If you have a question – ask it. We won’t be offended.

    * While bulletin board registration and access to all forums within this bulletin board are free, we urge you to become a subscribing and supporting member of The Diesel Page. Visit this link to become a supporting member. In addition to this bulletin board, we have an extensive and professionally written online content section, some of which is only available to subscribers. We need your support, and in exchange we provide much more than a bulletin board.

    The fine print:

    Please understand that these forum rules exist for a reason, and must be taken seriously. Most of the points being made in the following paragraphs are the result of some sort of problem. No rule set is perfect, and we hope everyone will look for the intent of these rules, not argue some obscure point in an attempt to skirt them. We’ve been operating a bulletin board since March 2000. During this time, we’ve seen (and had to deal with) every problem a community bulletin board can possibly experience. There is nothing new anyone can bring to this board (i.e. bad behavior or attempts to skirt the rules) that we haven’t dealt with before.

    Violating these forum rules can, depending on the situation, result in either a warning or termination of your account and deletion of all of your posted messages and images. The board administrators and moderators make all determinations concerning warnings, terminations, and/or deletions.

    If you want to learn more about the GM diesels or contribute to our growing knowledge base, you are invited to participate in's bulletin board.

    Only those who respect other people, their opinions, the forum moderators and these forum rules will be allowed to post messages. Considering the real-time nature of this bulletin board, it is impossible for our Admin to review all messages or determine the value of the information posted. Please remember that we have limited control over posted messages unless you bring a questionable message to our attention and we have responded to your request. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The posted messages express the views of the author, which may not necessarily agree with the views of this bulletin board or any entity associated with Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by E-mail. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, so please realize that we may not be able to immediately remove or edit any particular message.

    You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material (either in posted messages or when using Private Messaging) which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, harmful to The Diesel Page Forums, or violates any other law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or you have permission from

    Although this Bulletin Board does not and cannot review all messages posted and is not responsible for the content of any of these messages, administrators and moderators reserve the right to delete or edit any posted message or image for any or no reason whatsoever. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless and Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin), and their agents with respect to any claim based upon posting of your message(s).

    We at reserve the right to reveal your identity (including whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you. In addition, confrontational or accusatory messages posted by you could require you to exchange names, addresses and phone numbers with the others involved.

    Redirecting traffic: We all want to share information with other diesel owners who spend time on the net, and we encourage you to post here in this board. However, posting messages that include links to competing web sites is poor net etiquette when it is done to redirect traffic - whether through posted or private messages. That said, links to other bulletin boards are not blocked by our board software and we permit them.

    Multiple Screen Names: Each board user is allowed one and only one registration. Multiple registrations are sometimes used for nefarious purposes, which if caught, will result in an instant ban.

    Please note that commercial exploitation, in the form of posted messages or private messages are inappropriate on this Bulletin Board. Commercial exploitation could include market research, panhandling, group purchasing, or any other related solicitation. Selling at a profit, no matter how small or how few the number of items, is a commercial operation. Commercial operations need to help support the true monetary costs of operating this bulletin board forum. This Bulletin Board and content site are in the business of selling advertisements. We offer a variety of programs that were developed to help both small and large vendors. Contact an administrator to learn more. We recognize the importance and value of information provided by commercial vendors. Their knowledge and experience add significantly to the overall knowledge base. But, they still need to do their part to financially support the bulletin board. It’s a matter of fairness.
    Last edited by More Power; 03-30-2020 at 23:17. Reason: Update - add to

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    Copyright Notice:

    The images and text contained in this and all other associated web pages of The Diesel Page® are protected by Copyright © 1996-2019 by The Diesel Page®. Copying images and/or text (in part or in whole) from The Diesel Page®, then reproducing this material for others, or posting this material on another web site or Internet forum without prior consent violates US and International copyright laws.

    Members may print or produce a single copy of any of this information for their own individual use as long as all copyright notices, web URL links and author credits remain intact. Any commercial use, reproducing this material for others, or posting this material to another web site or Internet forum (in part or in whole) is strictly prohibited unless you have prior consent from The Diesel Page®. Violators will be taken to task for illegally using our material.

    We take copyright laws and individual rights seriously. Only original text and images, or (on rare occasion) re-printed with permission material appears on this web site. We respect the rights and hard work of others. Please respect ours.

    Please note: With the exception of a couple of paragraphs in the Forum Rules statement that were required by Jelsoft (developers of vBulletin), our forum rules and our copyright statement were created and written by us, and are also protected by copyright. This copyright statement is 100% original to The Diesel Page. In addition, The Diesel Page is a current and registered Trade Mark.

    Please remember that you must either be the copyright holder, or have permission from the owner, to place images in your photo album and/or insert them into your posted message. Unless the photographer specifically says that his image(s) are "public domain", the use of those copyrighted images is restricted, whether they are branded or not. Always ask permission before using someone else's work. The same applies to text. The written word is copyrighted as soon as it is typed or written.

    The simplest way to avoid violating someone's copyright in your posted messages is to simply insert a hot link to the web page that displays the image or text. This way, the photographer/writer gets the recognition he/she deserves and his/her web site gets the web traffic. It's all a matter of fairness.
    Last edited by More Power; 01-18-2019 at 23:59. Reason: update - add to

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