even if the 71 series doesn't rev as high, a 4-71 would have enough torque for some 3.08 gears and appropriately sized tires i think.....i would really be worried about engine dimensions and weight really.

like i said before, i keep getting discouraged about this kind of conversion from anyone who deals with detroit engines. you'd think they'd encourage me and try to sell me some stuff.

i noticed some pamphlets at the detroit dealer in edmonton for rebuilt 53, 71, 92, 110, and 149 series engines, but i didn't dare ask about it cause i'm sure they don't come cheap for a full rebuild from those guys. but i'm keeping my eye out for a good used one, hopefully still in running condition, but if someone were to have a good setup with the correct bellhousing i would consider buying it. the cost of shipping might be worth it since i'm not having much luck around here. or else a nice road trip to pick it up