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Thread: Diesel Direct Newsletter - July 17, 2009

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2000

    Arrow Diesel Direct Newsletter - July 17, 2009

    Hot Topics

    New Research Findings Show New Diesel Truck and Bus Engines Dramatically Cleaner Than Expected

    A new study released by the Coordinating Research Council in cooperation with the Health Effects Institute highlights the robust emissions performance of the new generation of clean diesel technology manufactured starting in 2007. The study found a more than 90 percent reduction in most emissions as compared to previous 2004 models, and the reductions "exceeded substantially even those levels required by law."

    Read more commentary from Diesel Technology Forum here], or view the ACES Study Report and Executive Summary here []. If you are interested in participating in a free webinar to better understand this research please email [] with the subject line ACES Webinar Request.

    Forum Insight

    What is the future for light duty diesel cars in California? That 's among the questions DTF posed to Tom Cackette, Chief Deputy Executive Officer of the California Air Resources Board, read his replies here

    The Diesel Technology Forum has created this new conversation space to share perspectives and insight on key diesel product, technology, policy and other industry-related developments. Forum Insight will feature posts from DTF staff, members and occasional guests. Please join us by engaging in this dialogue on DTF's Facebook page

    Retrofit News DERA Program Reauthorized in Climate Bill

    The American Clean Energy & Security Act of 2009 which recently passed the House of Representatives included a provision which extends the authorization for the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act for an additional five years until 2016 from its current expiration in 2011. The provision is available at []

    Louisiana Clean Diesel Program Now Open

    The Official Solicitation for the Recovery Act Funding for Louisiana Clean Diesel Grant Program is now open and can be viewed at
    [] or by visiting the Stimulus Package Information tab at []. All project proposals must be received before 5:00 p.m. on August 14, 2009.

    Policy Insider EPA Proposes Stringent Standards for Oceangoing Vessels

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing more stringent exhaust emission standards for the largest marine diesel engines used for propulsion on oceangoing vessels (called Category 3 engines). The proposed rule for large U.S.-flagged ships would set tough engine and fuel standards, which would harmonize with international standards and lead to significant air quality improvements throughout the country.

    For more information, click here

    EPA Extends Comment Period for Renewable Fuel Standard Program

    EPA is providing a 60 day comment period extension on its proposed rule revising the national Renewable Fuel Standard program to provide the public adequate time to provide meaningful comment while finalizing and implementing the standards in a timely manner. The original comment period was to end on July 27, 2009 and will now end on September 25, 2009.

    For more information and instructions on submitting comments, click here [].

    Breaking News

    Survey Finds US Hybrids and Diesels Beat Gasoline Models on Full Cost of Ownership

    Greencar Congress

    July 9, 2009

    Buses May Aid Climate Battle in Poor Cities

    New York Times

    July 9, 2009

    Can Diesel Dethrone Hybrids? - VIDEO


    July 8, 2009

    Amid new fuels' uncertainty, clean diesel's benefits proven

    The Hill

    July 7, 2009

    Diesel Cars Attempt Comeback With Clean Diesel

    National Public Radio

    July 1, 2009

    Clean Diesel Is Coming! Clean Diesel Is Coming!


    June 30, 2009

    New Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines Have Drastically Lower Emissions, Study Says

    New York Times

    June 19, 2009

    Clean Diesel Comes of Age

    Scientific American

    June 18, 2009

    DTF News DTF Member Johnson Matthey Unveils New Website

    Visit the Johnson Matthey Emission Control Technologies (ECT) website [] to learn more about how JM is helping to solve the world's toughest emissions problems.

    Audi Promotes Clean Diesel in New Marketing Campaign – Di*sel – It's no longer a dirty word.

    Audi launched an aggressive public awareness campaign in the U.S. to highlight the ways in which TDI clean diesel can help America achieve energy independence. You can also check out Audi's "Truth in Diesel" video [] at YouTube.

    How Does Clean Diesel Technology Power Your State?

    Learn more about how diesel is the backbone of transportation systems, powers the state's economy and how policymakers in the state recognize the value of clean diesel technology.

    [] —Michigan has a large manufacturing sector led by the production of motor vehicles and parts which was more than three times greater than any other sector. Many of these companies make diesel powered vehicles or their components.

    continued next post...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    North Carolina — North Carolina accounts for close to half of the country's overall tobacco production, leading an agricultural industry which contributes $6.1 billion to the state GDP, the sixth largest in the country. There are nearly 48,000 farms in the state, with leading products including the largest Christmas tree, sweet potato and hog production in the country. This industry depends on diesel powered equipment, which utilizes nearly 50 million gallons of diesel fuel in the state on an annual basis.

    Upcoming Webinar: Lessons Learned — A Closer Look at Recent ARRA Funded DERA Projects

    EPA just announced more than $156 million worth of diesel retrofit projects under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, yet this represents only about 13% of the almost 600 applications it received under the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program. Stiff competition meant many good applications were denied funding. Join us for a closer look at the recent funding round to understand what projects were funded , which evaluation criteria proved most difficult and how applicants can improve their chances for success in the next round of funding that will be available this fall.

    September 2, 2009. Two live sessions are being offered at 10:00am
    and 1:30pm EDT.

    Register now for the 10:00am session.
    Register now for the 1:30pm ET session.

    Join us for 90 minutes to hear answers to these and other
    questions. Space is limited so register now.

    For more information visit [].

    Member Profile
    BP p.l.c.

    BP p.l.c. is the holding company of one of the world's largest petroleum and petrochemicals groups. Its main activities are exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas; refining, marketing, supply and transportation; and manufacturing and marketing of petrochemicals. BP has a growing activity in gas and power and in solar power generation, and has well-established operations in Europe, North and South America, Australia and Africa. BP has been a leader in clean diesel fuel with its Emissions Control Diesel being the first low-sulfur diesel fuel available.

    National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Legislative Summit []

    July 20-25, 2009

    Philadelphia, PA National Association of Counties Annual Conference & Exposition

    July 24-28, 2009

    Nashville, TN Directions in Engine-Efficiency and Emissions Research Conference (DEER) 2009

    August 3-6, 2009

    Dearborn, MI 25th Clean Air Conference

    The Diesel Technology Forum is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting clean diesel technologies. Forum members include engine and vehicle manufacturers, diesel fuel refiners, and manufacturers of emissions control devices. For more information about the Forum, visit our web site at [].

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