Replace ECM and/or PROM?
Been trying to track down some bugs that have kept my K3500 parked for some time now.
First were signs of PMD failure, such as sudden stalling at idle, but there was a concurrent problem with a very short glow plug cycle which began at the same time. So, now I have a new PMD, new extension cable, and have replaced the glow plug relay twice. Also replaced 3 out of 8 glow plugs and will be getting around to the rest of them soon.
Will failed glow plugs with zero resistance possibly be the cause of the short glow cycle? The cycle is typically like a half second with no follow through. Maybe once out of 10 tries it is normal and the truck will then start.
Finally, the OBDI system is flashing me codes when I don't ask for them, like with no jumper wire, and when I first turn the key to the run position in hopes for a proper glow. I don't get the glow but I get plenty of flashes from the CEL, apparently trying to tell me about the many codes the ECM is recording. Maybe these are stored codes, but most of them make no sense, and they are flashing even right after the batts were disconnected and before the truck is even started.
Any ideas?
Black 95 6.5TD, 929 block, 173k miles, 65k on IP, 48k miles on self-rebuilt engine done in '09, 6 L&S Full-torque inserts in outer main crank holes, Clearwater heads, Fluidamper, rebuilt NV4500, 3" downpipe, 4" exhaust, no cat, dual T-stats, 9 blade fan, spin-on 180 degree clutch, Heath hi-flow water pump and turbomaster, PMD relocated, OPS relay mod, Heath PROM upgrade, and Kennedy headlight harness upgrade soon. Now use semi-syn Lucas 2-cycle oil every fill-up which greatly reduces the frequency of DTC 35-36 codes the PCM/ECM throws.