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Thread: Crank NO Start 2002 2500HD LB7

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Las Vegas

    Default Crank NO Start 2002 2500HD LB7

    I have a 2002 GMC 2500HD LB7 with a Crank NO Start problem.
    This happened about 4 years ago and turned out to be the filter head. I just replaced the filter head, filter and the 2 fuel lines coming of the housing and it still does not start.
    I have a basic code reader that is showing no codes. I know someone that has a Tech II scanner and trying to find time for him to come over with it to see if it tells anything.
    I do NOT have the money to just start throwing parts at it in hopes that something will fix it. Please tell me what to check and how to do it to try and determine the problem. What tests to run when I get the Tech II here?
    Thank you
    2002 GMC Sierra 2500HD 4x4

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001


    Diesels need air, fuel, and compression to run. You said you had filter problems. have you confirmed fuel in system and not air locked? Did you bleed the system?
    "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government."
    -Patrick Henry

    2006 K3500 D/A
    94 6.5 4x4 5spd Sold

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2001


    If the injectors aren't firing, for any reason, or it's unable to develop sufficient fuel pressure to fire them (if the system is primed), it WILL set codes you can read with a basic code reader. If you've replaced the filter head (or just the filter can), it must be primed, as well as pumped until fuel primes all the way to the high pressure pump. It will not self-prime. Open the bleed screw, pump the primer until fuel is present at the bleed hole, reinstall the bleed screw, and continue pumping until it's hard. It may take a LOT of pumping, like a hundred or two strokes, in some cases. Crank for about 10 seconds, pump again until hard, and repeat this until it starts (don't hurry, let the starter cool). It may take several of these cycles. It's important to have sufficient battery voltage, so have a charger (or a jump vehicle) handy if it shows any sign of slowing down while cranking.
    1985 Blazer 6.2
    2001 GMC 2500HD D/A

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Las Vegas


    I did correctly bleed and prime the system. I even went back out and did it again, I have a strong steady stream of fuel coming out the bleed screw and after tightening it I pumped a few times until hard. I have a full tank of fuel. I replaced the filter head because the last time I had a no start issue this was the problem. I did not find the old one to be leaking but swapped it anyway.

    I purchased a bluetooth OBDII and downloaded some scanning apps onto my tablet. I'm not sure of what to be looking for but I did get a little info.
    Desired Fuel Pressure 6090 = Actual Fuel Pressure 5960
    Fuel Pressure not running is 145 psi
    I pulled a few codes that my reader did not get.
    Does any of this help with figuring this issue out?
    what tests can I do to test the FICM or ECM and Injectors?
    2002 GMC Sierra 2500HD 4x4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2001


    A quick search of your codes is computer communications and key/door lock electrical related
    "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government."
    -Patrick Henry

    2006 K3500 D/A
    94 6.5 4x4 5spd Sold

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