Well, let's see. It seems that you've classified or labled me several times in the recent past. (Jackass comes to mind, although I still don't know if my horses resemble you or not.)

You also made the comment that you never thought that you "had to have all the answers". Yet, to those of us who are curious and do want to know things about the world around us, you whine and say that I "think I'm smarter than everyone else". That may very well be, I don't know, but I can certainly say that I have studied many subjects in very great detail...much greater detail than you by your own admission. You seem to be willing to let someone else tell you what to think. I don't trust other people to tell me what to think. Plus, I have always, since I was a very little kid, wanted to know why things are the way they are. What makes that work? Why did you do that in that way? Since God has blessed me with the intellect to understand things, I use it to further my knowledge in many ways.

When I suggest that you should educate yourself -- this is nothing more than a suggestion for you to read and use the intelligence that God gave you -- you accuse me of calling you dumb or that I think I'm smarter than you. I have never, ever, said anything like that. Maybe you're too lazy to do it, but I've never said you were dumb or that I was smarter than you. In fact, that's the most frustrating part of dealing with you. You seem like a smart guy. I cannot understand why you don't have a thirst for discovery and willingness to learn.

From what I can see, you are a rather insecure individual who has some kind of a burr under your saddle regarding me. That's your problem, not mine. I do my best to live at peace with everyone. Your response is what determines the outcome.

When I challenge your beliefs or ask you to defend your statements, you resort with personal attacks. You can't seem to debate ideas on the merits. That seems to be pretty typical within a certain group of people...oops, I did it again.