Quote Originally Posted by LyndaSuzan View Post
........ we can expect to replace injectors at around 150,000 miles, at an estimated cost of $5000.........

I recommend disregarding this as a deciding factor. What is "typical" is significantly greater miles and less money for replacement ($3,000 is more on par). While some specific use and/or conditions may cause an earlier replacement, or more expensive repair bill, this is an exception, not the rule. What I've seen on the 2006+ injector life is in excess of 200K miles, with many of them exceeding 250K (I don't know of any with more than that, but I suspect we'll hear about them as time goes on). There are too many factors to consider, such as fuel quality, driving habits and type of use. Mark's experiences are certainly a bench mark for "extreme" use, but the unit samples are too few and conditions too specific to form a general trend. I know of several Hot Shots who are well past 200K miles on their 2006 trucks with original injectors, and NO issues at all. A personal/commute truck will certainly see much less fuel/mile going through the engine, which will typically extend injector life, compared to one who is almost always loaded to GVWR (or try to be) in a commercial environment.