Gentlemen: Let cool heads prevail. This is turning into an emotional knee-jerk reaction by some that could be very damaging to what is possibly a superior product and company. I personally have never used the product. I have seen what misinterpreted, heresay or biased information can do to a reputation, professional or personal. For example: "When did you stop beating your wife" It infers the individual has beaten his wife. Damage done. Once the damage is done , it's alot harder to undo. Imagine people posting the threads here on other boards. I could spread like wildfire.

Amsoil's argument has some logic to it. If you wanted to create a superior product, a company image ("goodwill" in business terms) and reputation around the product, you would have to see what is out there and then raise the bar in terms of quality and performance. The problem is that to get some type of certification you have to stay within certain perameters that would make your product no better than the rest. You believe the perameters to be based on old science or flawed science. So now you have to decide; Do I take a risk and color outside the lines, think outside the box. Or, Take the risk of not being certified and building a better product, or just conform. Thats not America and its not the pioneer spirit that got us here. Nor is it what we want. Obviously Amsoil chose the former.

Many times information changes. The FDA food pyramid is about to be turned on it's head. The medical community is starting to accept the notion that cholesterol levels are more affected by carbohydrate consumption than by fat consumption. But if you were mandated to provide a "healthy" meal as a business, what's healthy today maybe unhealthy tommorow.

Please use restraint until all the facts are in and digested by informed knowledgable people before peoples businesses and lives are affected negatively. What if the assumptions here are wrong? What if it truly is a superior oil? What if their reasons for not being certified are legitimate? Lets take a big breath before we rush to judgement. Again, its always harder to undo damage once done.

Csimo: Not flaming ya dude. But you seem a little emotional about the issue. To me this doesn't seem to be an objective stand. It could appear to some you might have an agenda. Your topic could have read: Amsoil's oil not certified. And then stated your research (which by the way is comendable)and opened up the topic for discussion. Instead you chose: Do NOT use Amsoil..
This is pretty strong language and infers that you have reached your conclusion the jury verdict is in an Amsoil has no rebuttal you will consider.

[ 01-15-2003: Message edited by: MountainMax ]</p>