I'm using the Auto Crafts shop on Fort Bragg. While I have a cherry picker that will pick up the engines, I do not have a cement pad in the back yard to use. I considered buying a couple sheets of steel and using that, but after 25 years in the military, my death wish is on low priority.
If you can get on a military post, we can work something out.

Maybe I could lay a pad near my shop...

I think I enjoy fixing them more than driving em.

I'm on hold till Wednesday. The LUK clutch didn't feel right. I'm taking it back on Monday, and shop for another model. Gotta feel this thing out. I took the flywheel off, we'll get it right this time.

Cut the rivets on my drive shaft carrier cross member, and have everything ready to shift the transmission/transfer back 2" to allow for more room under the hood.

I bought my engine and mounts from a fellow named Robby at ADC engines in Salt Lake City. He gave me free shipping after he found I was calling from Iraq to make the deal. Seems like a real nice fellow. Vietnam Vet. The engine and set-up seems top notch. My unit has 58K.

Did I mention that the 5.9L just seems huge? yeah, I know, its like less than 50 lbs heavier than the 6.5, but geeze it looks huge. I think I am going to appreciate the extra room under the hood on each side.
