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Thread: See details PPE "Economy" tuner for your LB7

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default See details PPE "Economy" tuner for your LB7

    I was looking at the PPE "Economy" tuner for your LB7 and was wondering can I put PPE on a stock truck? If I put it on a stock truck will I realy see better fuel mileage?
    So what I can tell it is a scan tool that you just down load a differant tune into the truck is that right. Thanks for all of the help you guys have gave me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    I don't have any experience with the PPE Programmer beyond a few runs at the track with their Extreme program. If the economy program doesn't add power (or a small bump in power), it should be fine for a stock truck. In general, it's when adding 40-60 or more horsepower that it becomes necessary to monitor things a bit more closely.

    I found the PPE programmer easy to use, in that I could download/unload a program without a problem and in just a few minutes.

    As far as a fuel economy increase.... perhaps. I'd like to see some independent reports or a thorough product review that carefully measures fuel economy...


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