In the immortal words of Bo & Luke Duke.... Yeeee Haaawww!!!!

After years of having no rear heat and chalking it up to "well, it's an old system", we now have rear heat, as well! I was hoping for that - as soon as I saw the flow problem, things started clicking... the weight of the rear heat system (amount of fluid) is substantially more than the front. So, of course, as any fluid does, it takes the path of least resistance.

It was almost a "free" repair. After only a few years, though, that little plastic retaining clip (in the QD fitting) just about exploded in my fingers. So, I just unscrewed to whole thing (QD and metal/rubber line) and took it into the work bench. Fished out the remaining pieces of plastic. Got a new Dorman QD fitting from Autozone ($13).

This is the first thing I saw when I took things apart. I was actually a little frightened... it was a bit dark outside so when I took off the QD fitting, all I saw were these two little "tentacles" waving at me! Yikes!

Golly, do you think this might have accounted for the no-heat problem??? They were all wrapped around the little crossbar in the restrictor.

Guys (and of course gal!) - thanks so much! I couldn't have done it without 'yall (still keeping with the Duke theme, there).

And just because I feel so good right now... Yeeeeeeeee Haaaaawwwwww!!!!!!!!!