Quote Originally Posted by a5150nut View Post
Your giving me a bad case of hitch fever talking about your trip.....

You have a sweet ride there I hope you enjoy it for a long time.

Our family loves to travel, especially with the camper. I'm never ready to go home at the end of a trip. I am 46 years old, and the longest trip I have been on at one time is 3 weeks. Even at that, I still wasn't ready to go home. If it wasn't for that pesky job and needing to make an income, I would love to full time RV right now.

I've had this rig for for 17 years now, and I don't plan to let it go. My wife has mentioned more than once that we could sell it to get something newer, but I won't let it happen. It's just too unique. I often get comments at the fuel station and other spots... a lot of folks can't believe it's a factory diesel. My son would never forgive me if I were to ever sell it (he's 12 and loves it).
